7 Great Reasons for Installing a Whole House Water Purification System
Think whole house water purification is a waste of money?
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It’s unbelievable what is being found in America’s tap water. Researchers from the U.S. EPA have found serious contaminants in many water samples taken across the country.
#1 – The Environmental Working Group reported that weed killers and many different pesticides were found in the tap water of 28 out of 29 cities tested. These chemicals were at levels that present serious health risks. They estimate that 45,000 babies in these cities drank infant formula reconstituted with contaminated tap water.
#2 – A USA Today-Special Report examined 3,000 of the largest city utilities and found that 65 of them are manipulating the results of tests used to detect lead in water, violating federal law and putting millions of Americans at risk.
What’s in your city’s water?
#3 – “There’s no telling precisely how many Americans get sick each year from drinking bad water… I would say that the cases we learn about are the tip of the iceberg.” (Waterborne Disease Expert, CDC)
#4 – According to the EPA, lead is the number-one environmental health threat to our children, causing severe physical and mental developmental delays.
#5 – The U.S. Council of Environmental Quality warns that “Cancer risk among people drinking chlorinated water is as much as 93% higher than among those whose water does not contain chlorine.” It is not uncommon to find more chlorine in tap water than is recommended safe for a swimming pool.
If someone in your family already has cancer or another disease, it’s even more important to use whole house water purification. Why put an extra toxic load of chlorine on someone who is already ill?
#6 – There have been outbreaks in city water supplies of chlorine-resistant parasites like Cryptosporidium and Giardia. This intestinal parasite causes flu-like symptoms, and can be fatal to persons with impaired immune systems, including children and the elderly.
The Natural Resources Defense Council claims that more than 45 million Americans drink and bathe in treated water where these dangerous parasites are found. In Milwaukee recently, over 100 people died and 400,000 became sick in less than a month. Those with a superior whole house water filter system can be spared from this sort of tragedy.
#7 – Nobody knows how many toxic elements may actually be in tap water. According to the Ralph Nader Research Group, more than 2,100 toxic chemicals have already been detected in U.S. water supplies. Virtually all public water systems have some level of contamination.
Early in the twentieth century, before we had this host of chemical compounds in our environment, 1 in 50 people could expect to get cancer in his or her lifetime. Today, half of all Americans are expected to become cancer statistics.
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There is no such thing as new water; Mother Nature just keeps reusing and recycling the same contaminated water over and over. Our water treatment plants are not designed to remove these man-made chemicals. We have learned the hard way that any chemical we use will eventually wind up in our household water.
Without waiting for a conclusion on the actual effects of drinking and bathing in this cocktail of contamination, we can assume that it will be negative. The only question is how negative… and why wait?
A whole house water purification system is the easiest, most effective and most economical way to have safe, healthy water for you and your family.
visit filteredwaterstore now to pick up a whole house filter
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